
Abbreviation for iword mmigration
Abbreviation for iword mmigration


(i.e., that is) is often confused with other abbreviations (e.g., e.g.). It is considered bad form to use these abbreviations without a specific number attached to them: "We'll do this in the a.m." or "We'll do this tomorrow a.m."Ĭommon Latin terms: etc. The effect of this practice is to allow the acronym to blend more smoothly with the rest of the text. Note that many style books are now recommending SMALL CAPS for all appearances of acronyms, such as NAACP or NCAA. Sometimes you will see 790 BC and AD 78 written without periods and written in SMALL CAPS. (common era), both used after the date (although one must add that those abbreviations are neither widely used nor commonly understood). ( anno domini, "in the year of the Lord") appears before the date. (before Christ) is used after the date A.D. She was born in 1520 B.C.Įither lower or upper case letters can be used with A.M., a.m., P.M., p.m. Words used with numbers: He left at 2:00 a.m. Such abbreviations are acceptable even in formal academic text and may be used without periods. Long, common phrases, such as IQ (Intelligence Quotient), rpm (revolutions per minute), mph (miles per hour), and mpg (miles per gallon). When the term of measurement is used as a modifier, we put a hyphen between the number and the term of measurement: a 15-ft board, a 6-lb line, etc. when it might be confused with the preposition in. Also, we do not use a period with such abbreviations except for in.

abbreviation for iword mmigration

Notice that we do not put an s after such abbreviations even when the plural is indicated. There is a space between the number and the abbreviation. Generally, you would use these abbreviations only in technical writing. Terms of mathematical units: 15 in., 15 ft, 15 kg, 15 m, 15 lb policy on immigration) but not as a noun (He left the U.S.

  • very familiar objects — TV, VCR, CD-ROM.
  • familiar institutions — UConn, MIT, UCLA, CIA, FBI, NATO.
  • Out of a database of over 190,000 abbreviations and acronyms, the Finder will probably discover what you're looking for. Just type in the letters and click on Search. Have you ever run across an acronym or abbreviation and not known what it means? Try using the Acronym Finder. You should avoid using a "Jr." or "Sr." when you have only the last name — Mr. If you list a "junior" with his spouse, the "Jr." can go after both names, as in "Mr.


    The Chicago Manual of Style recommends not using a comma to separate the Jr./Sr./III from the last name, but you should follow the preferences of the indivdual if you know those preferences. And we do not abbreviate a title that isn't attached to a name: "We went to see the doctor (not dr.) yesterday." Juanita Espinoza or Juanita Espinoza, PhD, but she cannot be Dr. All sources advise against using titles before and after a name at the same time (i.e., she can be Dr.


    The APA Publication Manual recommends not using periods with degrees other reference manuals do recommend using periods, so use your own judgment on this issue. These are standard abbreviations, with periods. Incidentally, we cannot say "We invited the reverend to dinner" and only a cad would invite "the rev." Titles after names: Darling" and "the Honorable Francisco Gonzales" (i.e., it's not a good idea to abbreviate either Reverend or Honorable when these words are preceded by "the"). In formal text, we would write "the Reverend Alan B.

    abbreviation for iword mmigration

    In informal language or when we're trying to save space or make a list, we can write Rev.

    abbreviation for iword mmigration

    (for Reverend and Honorable) are not, strictly speaking, titles they are adjectives.


    Emily Dickinson is simply Emily Dickinson, and after the first use of her full name, Dickinson will do (unless we need Emily to avoid confusion with other Dickinsons). In most formal prose, we do not use titles, abbreviated or otherwise, with individuals. Carter, Lincoln, and Ford.) The plural of Mrs. Carter, Lincoln, and Ford.) The plural of Dr. is not an abbreviation, either, but we do use a period after it — probably to keep it consistent with Mr. Notice that Miss is not an abbreviation, so we don't put a period after it. Both these books contain extensive chapters on proper form in using abbreviations, as well as the possessive and plural forms of abbreviations.Ībbreviate the following: Titles before names: If you are frequently confronted with decisions regarding abbreviations, get hold of a copy of either The Chicago Manual of Style or The Gregg Reference Manual.

    Abbreviation for iword mmigration